Monday, March 20, 2006

Octagonal thinking

So, I gave her an anniversary present today. It was a Canon Powershot S2 IS and I think she liked it. I could be wrong though. Only time will tell. :) I also gave her some flowers and a sappy card - she likes the sappy cards, I hate 'em. I wonder how long it'll take her to figure out the symbolism in the flowers. My best guess is that if she hasn't figured it out already, it'll be about 30 seconds after she starts reading this posting. *grin*

Anyway, I've been married for 8 years. That seems such a long time to some people, including me, but in geological terms, it's the blink of an eye. She got me a card, which is more than I requested. I'm satisfied.

I suppose I need to tell more people about this here blog business. I'm not getting very many comments. Let me think... Perhaps I'll tell my friends... *listens to the chirping crickets* well - I don't have very many of those, but I'll do what I can.

3 more ramblings:

Queen Karana said...

Symbolism? There was symbolism? Besides that you LOVE me???
8 red roses? 4 pink ones?
The red ones for every year we have been together? Should I go count roses again? Hm.

Queen Karana said...

8 for each year of marriage bliss *GRIN*
And 2 for our girls.

dubby said...

Happy Anniversary! (See, Karen isn't the only one who reads your blog.)