... in a week to complete all the things I need to do, which is why I haven't updated you all in an age. Basically, our little Prince threw a monkey wrench into our plans of getting things done in time for his arrival by joining us 4 weeks prior to his due date and 2-3 weeks prior to when the doctor wanted to deliver him.
As a result of the turmoil, the projects have been thrown into disarray. The renovation to the basement has ground to a halt and I'm focused on completing the Prince's quarters of the castle and getting the carpets cleaned in that wing. The last of the painting in the his room was completed last night at 1:30am. The carpets are scheduled to be cleaned tomorrow afternoon. :)
I have to clear all the items from our upstairs bedrooms tonight by myself which is only an issue for 2 or 3 pieces of furniture. The rest of it is either small or can be disassembled so it is more a matter of just doing it. It's still a lot of work though. I'll post pics of his room once I've reinstalled all the outlet covers, blinds, curtain rods, door hardware and put in all the furniture. You'll get to see the completed room soon enough. :)
I'll try to be better about keeping you all updated even if I happen to be exhausted at the time. :) Keep checking his blog or the Queen's blog for other updates.
This post has been brought to you by the letters T, I, R, E, D, and the number 3.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Not Enough Time...
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
The prince decided to arrive early! He graced us with his presence at 12:43pm mountain time today. At 36 weeks of gestation, he weighed in at 6lb 1oz and measured 18.5in long.
Welcome to the kingdom, my son!
This post was brought to you by the letters B, O, Y, and the number 3.
Rambled by
King Isepik
more ramblings
Rant Topics: Family
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Sickness in the Kingdom
There is a bit of sickness in my kingdom. The youngest princess appears to have another ear infection and I am positive I have a sinus infection.
The Queen is busy baking the prince, who should arrive this month, so she's pretty uncomfortable.
The royal cat got completely covered in mud and as a result had to be kept outside for an extended time as he got himself cleaner and thus, was miserable. He's also pretty pissed at me for summarily tossing him out of the castle when he came in all covered in mud - twice!
The oldest Princess is so far unaffected by sickness - other than being awoken by her sister's cries. I'm hoping to the lords of Kobol that it remains that way. (Did you like that bit of Battlestar Galactica geekiness there? :)
Wish us luck in banishing the illness and pain from our castle.
This post was brought to you by the letters O, U, C, H, and the number 4.